Do you often wake up with aches and pains in your neck area? This could be due to the pillows you lay your head-on. Foam is the buzzword today when it comes to pillows. Latex foam has been around for decades, while memory foam is a recent innovation. While you would think that the most recent innovation would be preferred by most people, latex foam is still a popular choice for pillows for some. So how do you know among latex vs memory foam pillow which is the best choice for you? The answer is to find out the differences and benefits of the two.
Latex Vs Memory Foam Pillow
Before you go ahead with knowing which is the best choice among latex vs memory foam pillow it is essential to know about them.
Memory Foam
The best memory foam pillow is made from viscoelastic polyurethane. The memory foam was originally created for astronauts to use, although it was never actually used in space. It was designed to be an innovative material, which is why it has properties that are very unusual and unique.
Although it can be hard to touch initially, memory foam becomes soft due to the natural heat of the body. After a short while, it moulds around the body. The “cushioning” feeling that memory foam neck pillow and mattress provides, comes from its ability to adjust around pressure and the time it takes to bounce back into shape after an imprint has been left behind. Brands that use these properties the most offer the best memory foam pillow.
Knowing the benefits of latex vs memory foam pillow is essential to decide which one is the best memory foam pillow.
Benefits of a Memory Foam Pillow
One of the things that makes a memory foam pillow a popular choice is the best pillow for neck pain is that they are like a contour pillow, holding the contours of the neck and head. It distributes weight evenly and relieves pressure, which in turn helps in easing neck and back pain. This means that with the best memory foam neck pillow, you get better sleep every night and feel well-rested when you wake up.
Memory foam pillow is highly energy absorbent, making it a great choice for those who sleep with a restless sleeper as their tossing and turning will not create a ripple effect and disturb your sleep. It is also the best pillow for neck pain for restless sleepers. You might like the feel of a shredded memory foam pillow because it is one of the popular options available.
Another benefit of a memory foam neck pillow that can make a difference in latex vs memory foam pillow decision making is that it is available in a wide range – a high density and low-density memory foam pillow. A low-density soft memory foam pillow is less expensive but just as comfortable – however, they will not last as long as a higher density memory foam pillow. So based on your budget, you can choose the best pillow for neck pain.
Latex Foam
Originally known as a natural type of foam, latex is made from the sap of a specific rubber tree, the hevea-brasiliensis. This sap is foamed to create an infinite number of tiny air bubbles, which are what give the foam its soft, bouncy texture.
However, you should keep in mind that nowadays, there is an increasing number of synthetic forms of latex. This type of latex is made mostly from styrene-butadiene rubber. Although synthetic latex can feel very similar to natural latex, it does not always have the same durability and also offers less bounce and is like memory foam.
Benefits of Latex Foam Pillows
Despite rating the memory foam as the best memory foam pillow when comparing the benefits of Latex vs Memory Foam Pillow One of the best things about latex pillows is that they can last a long time, even longer than a memory foam pillow. Plus, they mould to the contours of the neck and head but not in a rigid way. A latex pillow feels immediately softer to the touch than the best memory foam pillow. Thus it is considered the best pillow for neck pain. It is a superb choice for people who like how memory foam feels, but not its initial firmness.
Latex is also naturally hypoallergenic and anti-fungal, making it a comfortable, hygienic choice for pillows. It dissipates heat and water better than the best memory foam pillow, which means that it stays comfortable even in hot weather.
Latex vs Memory Foam Pillow Differences
Latex v/s memory foam differences are many and the main differentiation is that latex is a natural product or is a combination of synthetic and natural materials. On the other hand, memory foam is a manmade product created for a specific purpose.
A Memory foam pillow is known for its support. They also have a natural tendency to bounce back slowly aftertouch. That helps in even weight distribution and contouring which helps to ease neck pain and so is considered as the best pillow for neck pain. Many people suffering from aches and pain choose the memory foam neck pillow for relief. However, the latex pillows bounce back quickly but give you the advantage of a soft touch.
When it comes to the price range, a memory foam neck pillow comes in many ranges and in a variety of quality. Latex, on the other hand, is priced premium and the quality depends on the brand and manufacturing. If you are looking for the best pillow for neck pain in latex, you will be spending more when compared to the best pillow for neck pain in memory foam.
Latex vs Memory Foam Pillow: The Safer Option
Both the memory foam neck pillow and the latex pillow provide good comfort and support. Memory foam pillow is made from foam that has off-gassing which can be harmful to people with allergies. Latex on the other hand is considered hypoallergenic as it is made from a natural material and hence many people consider it ideal for people with allergies. However, it is not often the case as most latex pillows are not 100% latex and contain a blend. Memory foam pillow and mattress brands use an organic solvent to reduce the VOCs and bad odour making it a safe bet. So people can buy a memory foam neck pillow without any worries of safety.
After being informed of the benefits of Latex vs Memory Foam Pillow, you can make your choice according to your unique likes and needs. From a basic pillow to the best pillow for neck pain as you can see, each one has its own unique benefits; so the best choice depends on personal preference. However, Memory foam is considered the best option for sleepers as it has many benefits that are mentioned above along with good neck and spine support. Irrespective of the body type and the sleeping position sleepers enjoy the contouring that it offers during the night. Since there is no one fit solution when it comes to sleep solutions it is your preference. Choose either the best memory foam pillow or latex pillow and get a good night’s sleep every night.
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