Zense / Zense Regul8

The Science Behind Regul8

The Science Behind Regul8|Wakefit

Are mornings starting to feel like a never-ending battle with your snooze button? 

If waking up tired has sadly become your thing, it might be time to cozy up to an intelligent solution that promises to bring your sleep game to a whole new level!

Introducing Regul8, India’s most intelligent mattress temperature controller by Wakefit. 

Today, it is not just about sleeping comfortably—it’s about optimizing your sleep so that you can live your best life. Regul8 is a revolutionary mattress temperature controller that comes with advanced sensors and intelligent algorithms to monitor your body temperature throughout the night, making real-time adjustments to keep you in the sweet spot for deep, restorative sleep. 

So while you’re busy catching Zs, Regul8 is working behind the scenes, fine-tuning your mattress temperature to perfection. But why is that important? Let’s find out. 

How does temperature affect sleep quality?

According to the study conducted by the Sleep Research Society analyzing data from over 3.75 million nights, higher bedroom temperature is associated with poor sleep quality. 

The temperature in your bedroom impacts both your body’s nighttime temperature regulation and your sleep quality.

As the day winds down and we prepare for sleep, our body initiates a gradual decrease in core temperature, starting roughly two hours before bedtime.

However, when external temperatures soar, they can disrupt this natural cooling process, causing us to toss and turn or wake up more frequently throughout the night.

While most of us know about how the room temperature affects sleep, we don’t pay attention to the temperature of the surface we sleep on which equally affects sleep if not more. 

A higher mattress surface temperature spells trouble for your precious REM or slow wave sleep—the kind that really recharges your batteries. During this critical phase of the sleep cycle, our body eases up on temperature regulation, leaving us vulnerable to the mattress surface’s temperature. This increased sensitivity often leads to waking up from overheating, disrupting our sleep.

But here’s the real kicker: skimping on REM sleep doesn’t just leave you feeling groggy the next day. It can also throw your immune system, memory, and focus off balance. So, if you’re gunning to get the best sleep so you wake up feeling fully refreshed, keeping your sleep temperature in check is non-negotiable.

In a world where every detail of our lives can be refined and optimized, shouldn’t our sleep be just as meticulously crafted? Our short answer to that is yes!

This is why we are launching India’s most intelligent sleep solution series, Zense. The first revolutionary product within Zense is Regul8 – India’s smartest mattress temperature controller that allows you to go beyond room temperature and optimize the temperature of your sleep surface to get the deepest sleep that a dreamer like you deserves.

Key Features that Set Regul8 Apart:

  1. Dual-Zone Temperature Control

Say goodbye to compromise! Our mattress cover boasts dual-zone temperature control, allowing you and your partner to independently adjust the temperature of each side of the bed according to your individual comfort levels. No more battles over the thermostat—just blissful sleep for both of you.

  1. Integrated Temperature Sensors

Stay cozy all night long with built-in temperature sensors that continuously monitor the surface temperature of your mattress. These sensors provide real-time feedback to the control system, ensuring precise adjustments to maintain optimal comfort, no matter the ambient conditions.

  1. Smart Thermostat Technology

Experience effortless comfort with our smart thermostat technology, which automatically regulates the temperature based on your sleep duration. Simply set your desired temperature, and let the mattress cover do the rest—no manual adjustments required.

  1. Breathable and Temperature-Regulating Materials

Our mattress cover is crafted from breathable, temperature-regulating materials to promote airflow and dissipate heat and moisture. Say goodbye to sweaty nights and hello to a cool, comfortable sleep surface.

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