
10 Tips for Studying at Home: Find the Best Way to Study

Tips for Studying at Home

Too much to do at home? No one’s talking about going back to school/ college and meeting your peers? Let us guess, studying from home is becoming tougher. Isn’t it? Well, take a deep breath, first. Now, let’s dive into the tips for studying at home to avoid stress and overwhelm and make your study time more effective so you retain what you learnt for a long time.

Just a hint. We will do the things that we can control. So, sit back on a comfortable office chair, and read on to know the best tips on how to effectively study from home.

Why is it Difficult to Study at Home?

The topic of studying at home is more relevant now than ever. The Covid outbreak led to the imposition of lockdowns, closure of schools and offices, etc, and we have been studying and working from home in India since March 2020. And guess what? Most institutions are still not comfortable in keeping their students’ or employees’ health at stake by calling them back. Hence, studying at home suffers.

When you are studying, it has several challenges that you need to face, including distraction from family members, pets, surrounding activities, household chores, network problems, etc. If you are also experiencing distractions that are hampering your study, you need smart study tips to help you study properly.

So, let’s dive in to understand the tips for studying at home efficiently. These smart study tips are sure to help you dodge distractions and inefficiency all at one time.

Tips for Studying at Home with Proper Office Chairs and Study Tables

10 Tips for Studying at Home Efficiently

Working and attending classes from home was exciting earlier when the pandemic started! But now, it seems to take a toll on the minds of the youth. Juggling with distractions and mental health, you need some peace to resume your study techniques as soon as possible.

Hence, our tips for studying at home will guide you on how to better manage and optimise your time for your studies. So, let’s begin.

Smart Study Tips for Students

1. Make a Routine of the Next Day: Here’s how

You will be more likely to stick to a routine if you make the plans at night before sleep. The smart tips for studying at home urge you to make your initial easy steps, to begin with. Understand what your every day looks like. What is the time period that is the most chaotic for you with a lot of distractions? And at what time is your surroundings quiet and calm? Realising these areas will help you find the best way to study.

  • Choose the quiet time for your study and research.
  • You can schedule your memorising efforts to study during this time.
  • Ideally, the best time to study and memorize your topics is in the early morning before your family members have woken up. You are on your own so automatically you are more likely to concentrate better.
  • Don’t forget to list down the to-dos you keep delaying. Break it into small doable parts and schedule.
  • Also include your eating, bathing, break and sleeping time as well.

You can choose the time of commotion to do other things. So, here are the tips for studying at home and what you can do with the chaotic and destructive time at home:

  • First, you need to understand the source of the commotion.
  • Once detected, ask yourself if it’s something you can control. If yes, take your next step. If not, take a break for that time period.
  • If the commotion recedes you can focus on revisions that don’t need that much attention as that for learning something new.

Your school or college maintains a scheduled timeline for classes, assignments, periods, etc. Think likewise at home; make a chart with time for waking up, freshening up, meal-times, etc.  More importantly, strictly follow the routine.

Discipline is crucial because no one from school or college will come to supervise you. These study tips for students will guide you on how to look after your studies on your own.

Best Way to Study is to make a routine

2. Keep your Study Area Separate

Our second set of tips for studying at home is to assign a separate area for your studies. Try not to place your study area in bedroom if you have ample other space to spare. It is vital to have a distance between the bedroom or play area and your study corner. Some people may have their study area in bedrooms which is okay till your movement doesn’t cross your bed’s energy. So, make sure the study area is near the bedroom door so you don’t have to cross from near your bed.

Having a separate nook for study has a psychological impact, and ends up enhancing concentration. Having a dedicated study area will help you follow the best way to study at home. When you stay surrounded by books, study materials, laptops, etc, your nervous system thinks accordingly, further motivating you to stay focused.

A study area in bedroom isn’t a conducive study space until you have the necessary study furniture. For example, you need an ergonomic chair and a study table that allows you to move freely and work effectively. Hence, you can try these tips for studying at home and improving your academic performance.

Separate Study Area is one of the best tips for studying

3. Take Hand Notes During Online Classes

If you write while listening, it stays in your mind for a longer period. Currently, the online medium is the principal source of studies for students. You need smart study tips to utilize online education optimally. Instead of sticky notes or Google docs, try using your hand as you did during offline classes.

Moreover, when you take hand-written notes, you automatically learn right in class. Mostly, you don’t have to revisit the notes and prepare for the next class. Likewise, with these study techniques, you make more time to study other materials that help you strengthen your base.

Our tips to concentrate on studies include keeping your phone away, turning off notifications including social media, news, etc., and closing irrelevant tabs on the laptop or desktop. You need to minimize distractions to improve concentration on your studies.

We would suggest you apply these tips for studying at home. You will immediately see an improvement within yourself and better performance in your studies.

Best Way to Study is to Maintain Hand Notes

4. Best time to study and memorize

Focusing our energies on studies all through the day does us no good. So, you need tips to concentrate on your studies to optimize the time of the day.

By optimizing, we mean understanding the most productive time of the day. During productive times of the day, you feel more energetic, able to memorize difficult chapters and sums, etc.

  • Understand how your day looks like.
  • Find out the peaceful times and sort out the destructive moments of your day.
  • Memorise in your peaceful times and relax during distractions.
  • Wake up early in the morning when your family members are asleep.
  • Go to bed early to get up early and continue with what you pasued.

Ideally, the best time to study and memorize is when the remaining members of the family are sleeping. When you are with yourself and also the neighbouring noises and people are also almost zero, you will focus better. This is one of the tips to concentrate on studies better and memorize for a longer period of time.

Also, you need to figure out a productive time when you feel charged and productive. Some students study better at night, while others feel super-charged at dawn, and so on.

5. Devote Time for Physical Activity

Our next tip for studying at home is to devote some time to physical activities. You become dull and it further plays with your mental health if you stay away from physical activities! If you study for hours without break, your efficiency diminishes. So, the best way to study is to organize your schedule with study and physical activity together.

  • Try taking long walks during dusk.
  • Do some stretching for your back and neck.
  • Ride a bicycle.
  • If you love playing any outdoor game, do it!
  • Indulge in some yoga.
  • Exercise for 15 minutes everyday.

Physical activity could be walking around the home, stretching, exercising, taking a quick break and walking on the terrace or garden outside, etc. Physical activity breaks to relax your brain muscles, rejuvenating you for studies.

Important tip for studying at home is to keep yourself moving

6. Spare Some Social Time

One of the tips for studying at home is to take breaks and socialise!

As we have mentioned earlier, there are times of the day when we are least productive. Use that time for brain relaxation. At this time, you can chat with family members, friends, and have a few laughs. Now that you have a routine, you already know when you can be productive. So, you won’t frown on the commotion at home and be a happy part of it!

Apart from utilizing non-productive time, social hangouts are a vital part of the improvement in concentration. Try catching up with your friends or relatives and share what you did till now with them!

smart study tips for balanced lifestyle

7. Make a Study Plan

After setting a timetable and dedicated study area, it is time to make a study plan and go ahead religiously. A study plan is scheduling chapters, subjects, and tasks for say next three days or a week. Give yourself a target to complete and start working on it. Here are a few tips for studying at home with a study plan:

  • First, understand the chapters or topics that you need to prioritize.
  • Find the important sections from there that need primary attention.
  • Fix a time period to complete each section.
  • Note down important points and sections clearly so you can visit and understand easily later on.
  • Stick to the deadline.

To make yourself accountable, share the plan with family members and friends. They will keep reminding you of the deadline if you tell them to do so.

To-do list study tips for students

8. Focus on One Work at A Time

We understand that some people might have exceptional skills in multitasking. But let’s spare that. We would suggest in our tips for studying at home not to involve in multi-tasking at the time of the study. It will affect your concentration level and you would not understand the concepts clearly.

First;y, prioritize the topics that need your primary attention. List them down sequentially. For eg, you will start the one in number two after you complete number 1. Don’t think of the other areas you need to study while you are on one topic. This would stop you from memorising and you’d fail to grasp both the topics. So, avoid putting your time and energy at stake with these study techniques.

Understand your productive time and assign that as the best time to study and memorize. Note down the time and do only studies without any other chores or involvements. 

Tips to Concentrate on Studies

9. Eat and Hydrate Well

East healthy food. One of the tips for studying at home that most overlook is to eat well. Try to stick to food that boosts your concentration and memorising power. Focus more on proteins, anti-oxidants and omega 3 that keep the brain active and healthy! After all, you are what you eat. A balanced diet at the right time is all you need to ace your studies. Also, don’t forget to hydrate yourself with water after equal intervals!

One of the study tips for students at home is that they should eat healthy food. While most ignore this part, it has the power to make or break your future. Moreover, you can find those nutrients in the following food items:

  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Beans.
  • Fish.
  • Chicken.
  • Whole grains.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Leafy green vegetables.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Eggs.
  • Hydrate with water.
Balanced Diet Tips for studying at home

10. Reward Yourself

Don’t forget to do something that makes you feel good after you stick to your entire routine throughout the day. This is one of the tips to concentrate on studies that reaps good results. Also, like other tasks, schedule this act of rewarding yourself. This way, you will want to do all of those things and then feel satisfied and proud about it.

Moreover, if you take the reward when you do nothing, the act itself tells the inner you that it is not satisfactory and you would feel guilty. However, don’t feel guilty at that time. Just try to stick to your routine the next day onwards.

Our study tips for students are the result of extensive research and in-person communication with students and parents. So, follow the tips for studying at home and pass your tests with flying colours.

Enhance your study space by incorporating a stylish bookshelf for easy access to your materials, and consider Wakefit’s ergonomic furniture to ensure maximum comfort during your study sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Tips for Studying at Home

How can I study effectively at home?

Studying at home can be difficult. Especially when everyone is at home! So, here are some tips to concentrate on studies better:

  • Prioritize the chapters or topics that need primary attention.
  • Break the topics into smaller doable parts.
  • Categorise into 3 sections: to memorise, to practice, and to revise.
  • Understand what your day looks like. Categorise moments around the house from the most peaceful time to the least peaceful time.
  • Choose the most peaceful time for memorising or learning new things.
  • Choose the moderate chaos for practising and reasoning time.
  • Choose the least peaceful time for leisure and socialising.

Ideally, you will find the most peaceful time when everyone else is sleeping. At that time, your house’s surroundings tend to tone down as well. Thereby making way for better concentration.

How can I create a study timetable at home?

Here is a quick way to create a timetable for studies.

  • Pick the quiet hours for your studies.
  • Choose the busiest or destructive hours for leisure and socialising.
  • Pick the moderately chaotic time for your practice time.
  • Wake up when everyone is asleep, including your house’s surroundings.

How do I study smart?

In order to make use of your time optimally, you need to wait and look at your entire day. Understand how your average day goes. What are the things that you do normally and what goes on in your background? Then, put your tasks during the quiet hours and set the leisure in the chaotic times.

  • Take breaks often.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Wake up early!
  • Revise during the end of the day.

What are some great study tips for students at home?

Start with the basics. And stick to the timeline. To do that, set doable goals. Here are a few tips for studying at home:

  • Understand the chapters that are important.
  • Prioritize them accordingly in a chronological way.
  • Wake up when everyone’s sleeping.
  • Eat food with protein, omega 3, and antioxidants
  • Hydrate!

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